Did you know that 86% of our placed candidates were not looking for a new challenge? Why? We go after the ones that aren’t looking – the game-changers that existing employers want to keep. We know what separates […]
Possible reasons you’re not getting hired – 5 tips to overcome them
Your CV is not Tailored for the Job: Employers are looking for someone who matches their job description—and since they’re probably getting hundreds of applicants for each open job, they’re not going to do the extra work to figure out […]
How to be more efficient while working from home
Working from home can offer many benefits in increasing performance, and can help achieve a better work-life balance! Apply the following 5 simple tips into your daily routine you will discover how much more efficient you can really be! # […]
Mastering the perfect handshake
Interviewers usually make up their mind about the selected candidate within the first couple of minutes of the interview, however long the particular interview lasts. We believe that the first impression begins with a handshake and sets the tone for […]
Taking a break
But first, coffee ☕ #morningmotivation Have you taken your morning break yet? ⠀ Robert Pozen, senior lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management and author of Extreme Productivity: Boost Your Results, Reduce Your Hours – suggests taking a break […]
Interviewing over a meal?
Dreaming of those messy pancakes you ate last week? ⠀⠀ Perfect! Tomorrow you will be taken to a lavish restaurant, as you have a breakfast (or potentially lunch or dinner) interview, so you’ll order them there. Right? Wrong! (Unless you […]